Hello World of Developers

Hello World of Developers


4 min read

This is my first blog post on Hashnode.

A crazy year 2020 left behind us, a better 2021 lies ahead of us. It could be only better, or worse? I don't know, but for sure, it depends on what you want and how you see these things.

Change is the only constant in life!

.. is the most adequate expression and quote which I pursue and try to adapt.

What does that mean to me?

Many people cling tight and stick on their beliefs and behavior instead of adjusting and adapting to everydays changes in life.

The circumstances in 2020 didn't go well for everyone, the rich got richer, the poor grew poorer, those with previous illnesses died earlier caused by COVID-19. It looks like a cleaning the mankind. Or didn't that happen all the time and we didn't recognize it yet?

But sometimes you are forced to change and adapt your daily routine. This is the case when you are obliged to do so to get a better result. Unfortunately, certain people are stuck in their dilemma and cannot break out for several reasons. It mostly needs actions, motivations and pain with the current situation to change something.

Fortunately my personal life went not bad in 2020, thank god! But I decided to get my job back under control and started some further education in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I've learned a lot of new methods and concepts in AI and ML. At least you should be strong in Math, especially Linear Algebra and Analysis, and also in Programming like Python or R. These were my personal challenges that I wanted to achieve.

Math was feasible for me, except that it was years ago, when I made some Linear Algebra at the University. But the programming part in Python, even though it's easy to start with, was quite challenging caused by the huge amount of concepts and methods. I'd rather recommend to learn a little bit more programming in python, than start with no or less experience. Long story short I survived the lectures and I graduated my continuing education course from HSLU in AI (Link).

This change last year led me to further steps to become a Fullstack Web Developer! So I've decided to start a bootcamp for Fullstack Web Developer in February 1st. It will be three tough months I guess, but let's do it folks!

To close this post with a quote from Steve Jobs (founder of Apple)...

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Read here the complete story: "JUNE 14, 2005 'You've got to find what you love,' Jobs says" => Link

In this case, Stay tuned! Greets, Erhan.